Sami Andrews is a fellow Ambassador's Distinguished Scholar who came from Gonder University to lecture on “Globalization, Sovereignty and Ethiopia in the Age of Creativity Jurisprudence”. This spurred a discussion on the Marrakesh Treaty, amongst other things. The Marrakesh Treaty is an international copyright treaty to create "limitations and exceptions for the benefit of the blind, visually impaired, and otherwise print disabled (VIPs)." For more information on this treaty go to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) site. For more information on this creative clinic, or to get involved, contact David Tushaus at [email protected].
Programs like this always require official greetings. Our initial orientation took place at the American Embassy in Addis Ababa. On the initial day, September 30, we were not allowed to take our cell phones into the large compound. The next day, after a security clearance, we were allowed to keep our cell phones. A colleague took a photo of me and another Scholar after we passed through security. A guard immediately took his phone and deleted it.
U.S. Ambassador Michael Raynor and his spouse Kathleen hosted us in the evening on October 1. He was first appointed by President Obama in 2012 to Benin. Delicious appetizers, an open bar and some interesting guests were a welcome change of pace during our hectic first few days. Ambassador Raynor spoke of the importance of Ethiopia and its upcoming elections and agreed to come to Bahir Dar for a program during my tenure there. We arrived in Bahir Dar October 3 to a welcome lunch put on by the University. The President, other administrators and representatives from most of our schools joined us to start the conversation on what we can try to accomplish this year. I am very impressed by what the law school is doing and its vision for the future. It wants to internationalize, including its journal. It has legal aid centers across town and in an outlying area. It does public education on radio. There are interesting LLM degrees in Human Rights and other specialities. See what it is doing now at: |
March 2023