Chhoeing's project in Current Legal Issues was to educate the JSW School of Law Campus on Bhutan's need for a Right to Information Act. The right to information is critical for a democracy. Journalists depend on access to government information to expose corruption and policy errors. Attorneys also depend on access to information to represent clients in some cases. Bhutan has no such right to access.
"Free Press and Right to Information in Democratic Bhutan" presented the community with arguments in favor of a Right to Information Act. At first Chhoeing had planned to go on the radio to discuss this issue. Unfortunately, she did not have the freedom to do so. In the alternative, she asked Mr. Needrup Zangpo, chair of the Media Council of Bhutan, to come and speak on the topic. He is also the executive director of the Bhutan Media Foundation. As you can see from the Freedom House map below, Bhutan is only "partly free." Passing the Right to Information Act would help Bhutan make a case for moving into the "free" category for Bhutan.
Ugyen Tshomo wrote this piece as part of her assignment in my Current Legal Issues class in the fall of 2022 in Bhutan. It highlights the value of investing in youth everywhere. That is what the CSO Nazhoen Lamtoen does here in Bhutan. JSW's Human Dignity Clinic collaborates with this and other CSOs. You can see the rest of the story on Facebook.
Marriage equality is available in only 32 countries (see map below) in 2023 according to the Human Rights Campain. So when Thuji, a JSW law student, chose the topic for our Current Legal Issues class last fall I was thrilled. Bhutan can be very progressive when talking about popular topics like the environment and climate change. But Bhutan has a very traditional culture it aggressively preserves. This can make the way forward on social issues more difficult to find. While Bhutan recently decriminalized same sex relationships, marriage rights have not followed. Thuji did a great job leading discussions and having participants engage in a power walk to develop empathy for those who are not able to enjoy the full privileges of citizenship. Over the course of the semester she learned to embrace the role of an ally and advocate and changed minds along the way.
March 2023